Welcome to Canford Lodge
Why Freemasory and Canford Lodge 9727
Are you a Freemason or just interested? You may be thinking;
Isn't freemasonry a secret society? Contrary to popular myth , no it is not, the fact that you are reading this proves that it isn't
Is it expensive? Not really, our annual subs work out less than £3.50 per week
Aren't all lodges the same ? No not at all in Canford we don't think so!!
Who can become a Freemason?
Freemasonry welcomes all good men, of integrity and good morals from every walks of life and whilst is not a religion it embraces men from every religious faith, sect, creed and ethnicity from around the whole world in equal measure.
Are you already a Freemason? Are you unattached, new to this area, just visiting and looking for a lodge in the Bournemouth area to visit? Or a local mason and just want to visit somewhere different.
When do Canford Lodge meet We meet at the Masonic Hall, Kinson Bournemouth on the first Thursday in October to June at 18.30 and are usually finished around 22.00.
Kinson Masonic Hall . Was purpose built in the 1930s. it stands in its own grounds with an ample car parking and just a short walk from the main bus routes. Inside the building is modern with its own fully licensed bar and catering facilities which is well used for many lodge meetings, social events and private functions
But there is so much more to Canford Lodge than just our regular monthly meetings!! So what is
Canford Lodge and how is it unique?
Canford is;
A Lodge of modern freemasonry personified but also regards the heritage of our ancient and honourable fraternity
A Lodge that is proud to be refreshingly different with a 21st century outlook
A lodge that values and also pushes masonic boundaries.
A lodge that is not only respects our masonic heritage but embraces the future.
A lodge that is welcoming to all masons, their families and their friends from past and those we hope to meet in the future.
A lodge that could be just what you're looking for
A lodge which is inviting you to arrange a visit or just a chat
A Lodge that upholds the ancient traditions and established values of freemasonry but we also benefit from the technology, attitudes and visions of the 21st century whilst believing in Fraternal Friendship, Family values , Fun and enjoying the benefits modern day freemasonry.
A Lodge that considers itself and is largely regarded as a friendly, fun and sociable lodge and have many themed nights and socials throughout the year. Our visitor's night, where our visitors are invited conduct our meeting is legendary. Our remembrance meeting is always a moving and memorable event and different every year. Christmas is always a short meeting followed a festive diner with our friends and families followed by Carols, entertainment, music and dancing to get Christmas off to a flying start. Then there is of course our famous June charity special. This is always a varied and exciting meeting, where we go all out to raise as much as we can by whatever means we can for our chosen masonic and public charities.
We have visits to many other lodges in and out of Dorset to Hampshire, Sussex, Wiltshire, even as far away as Jersey and across the channel to France
We have the usual regular classes and rehearsals of course but these are usually followed by an after meeting at a local hostelry, which helps us to maintain the strong bond of being a Canford freemason
Canford Lodge is a social outward looking lodge which hosts many varied and fun social events for and with our families and friend such as boat trips, BBQs, barn dances, race nights, skittles matches, theatre and pantomime trips and of coursed our annual themed ladies Gala Dinner. We have had Elvis, Abba and Chaz N Dave tribute acts in recent years.
Canford lodge also reaches out into the local community supporting things like the Remembrance Day parade our village fete and so much more.
Are you interested in Freemasonry, would you like to know more about it?
Are you thinking about joining but don't know how?
Already a mason and just want to pay us a visit
We always extend a very warm and fraternal welcome all masons, their friends, families and new comers alike.
If you'd like to know more about Freemasonry in general or Canford Lodge in particular please contact us by email or give us a call and we'd love to have a chat?
Call us on. 07513 20 12 68. or email to Canfordlodge9727@gmail.com
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