Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorset

The official website of Dorset Freemasonry

Meet our Lodge Media Officer

Hello, I'm Roger and I'm the Lodge Media Officer and the Charity Steward of Kings Court Lodge. As media officer I'm tasked with looking after our website and social media channels, making sure that they are kept as up to date as possible.

Kings Court Lodge is know as one of the most relaxed and friendliest of lodges and I am very proud to be a member at Gillingham. I actually live over the border in Somerset but look forward to coming across to Lodge meetings to catch up with my fellow Freemasons. We do have such a good laugh, especially afterwards at the Dinner which we call 'The Festive Board' The banter then is fantastic and the food very good as is the company. We get visitors from all over the place so you will always be meeting new faces and finding out about their journey in Freemasonry and life.

But do you know what I really like about Freemasonry? Everyone is treated equally and we are not allowed to discuss politics or religion. This means that there is very little negative talk which is something that I personally like.

If you'd like to meet up and have a chat then please get in touch via our Facebook Page : @kingscourt2689.

I look forward to meeting you soon!



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