Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorset

The official website of Dorset Freemasonry

Lodge History

In the early 1950s, several brethren living in the East Dorset area, with strong London connections, endeavoured to unite in forming a Class of Instruction or, more ambitiously, a new Lodge for London Freemasons.
On the 20th March 1954, this ambition was achieved when the newly formed London Haven Lodge, No 7300, was consecrated at the Kinson Masonic Hall in Bournemouth. It was agreed that 'Taylor's Working' would be adopted and that the Lodge would meet on a Saturday, resulting in London Haven Lodge becoming the first Lodge in Dorset to do either.
During its first year, four brethren were initiated and a further six joining members were added to its ranks. Now, sixty four years later, its doors are open to all applicants with or without London connections and, as described in 1954 by the then Provincial Grand Master for Dorset, the Rt Hon Lord Llewellin, the 'planting of a sapling tree' has matured into the well-established and highly respected, successful Lodge that it is today.
Three of its long-standing members have exceeded fifty years in Freemasonry and the Lodge was honoured in 2013 when a Past Master was appointed Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Dorset.


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